Asociación de fabricantes de mecanizado
Asociación de fabricantes de mecanizado

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01 July, 2024Ferroloiu, a specialist in oxy-fuel and plasma sheet metal cutting, has launched a three-year investment plan to diversify its business into new markets and sectors, which will be growth levers in the coming years.

According to its director, Ángel Pérez, the company's objective is to expand its customer portfolio beyond the machine tool, boilermaking and machining sectors, focusing on the areas of recycling and defense. At the same time, it will extend its geographical radius from neighboring regions to other more distant ones, an objective in which it has already taken its first steps with new projects in Madrid and Galicia.

To materialize the roadmap described above, the Biscayan company will rearm its cutting capacity over the next few years with the incorporation of new equipment. As a starting point, they have recently installed a new automated beveling system that allows bevel cutting on parts up to 200 mm thick, significantly reducing the time spent on this operation, as well as reducing the rate of wasted material and improving the execution of the bevel.

In addition to this equipment, mechanical beveling machines will be progressively added to make small bevels, the plasma cutting tables will be enlarged to increase capacity and new conventional oxy-fuel cutting machines will be incorporated, as well as exoskeletons to improve the ergonomics of the workers.

In order to increase efficiency, Ferroloiu plans to reinforce its lifting and transport infrastructure, consisting of three overhead cranes and a fourth semi-portal crane. The plans are to extend the travel distance of the latter and install another semi-portal crane on the same rail on the opposite side of the hall. In this way, they will have two levels of movement throughout the plant to move a greater number of parts.

Ferroloiu started its activity in 1964, since when it has evolved from its continuous commitment to innovation and quality of its services. In facilities of more than 10,000 m², its main activity is based on the cutting of steel parts from 6 to 320 mm by oxycutting and plasma, in addition to offering the services of roughing, pressing, beveling, shot blasting, packaging and transport, with average delivery times of between 6 and 10 days.

Its customers are in the machine tool, boilermaking, machining, metal structures and marine sectors, all of which are particularly demanding in terms of lead times and quality.

Source: Empresa XXI




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