Asociación de fabricantes de mecanizado
Asociación de fabricantes de mecanizado

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01 July, 2024The IAM Group's offer in the supply of complex geometry components will add a new technology to its workshop: fiber laser cutting, which will be operational by the end of July. As its manager, Mikel Arizmendi, explains to Empresa XXI: "This investment will allow us to complete with a new line of business our current offer of water jet cutting, electroerosion and precision micro-cutting by water jet", with which "we will improve the capacity of integral part service to the customer and also our market position".

The strengthening of the workshop will cover all of the milestones established in its 2021-2025 plan. Ariztimuño cited that "the objective of expanding capacity and internally controlling processes for strategic customers was first achieved with the incorporation of a machining center to provide service in the manufacture of electrodes and auxiliary machining for IAM (electroerosion) and the auxiliary operations of waterjet-cut parts for IAMCut".

The leap they will make with this fiber laser cutting machine, with a 6000W resonator and a 3000x1500 mm cutting table, will open the door "to markets in which we do not currently operate, such as cutting thin common materials. In this way, we will have access to potential customers who need an integral service, especially in parts for metal construction structures, boilermaking, etc."

Maintaining its investment plan

The availability of versatile, high precision and high speed equipment is a priority factor in Grupo IAM's strategy. For this reason, its manager says that, "if the market is good, our idea is to incorporate a latest-generation waterjet cutting machine, with a 4000x2000 mm table that will enable us to make cuts at an angle of up to 60 degrees, as well as to replace an EDM machine with a new one with a more powerful generator".

For the moment, the market has a good backdrop: "The beginning of the year has been quieter than 2023, but the truth is that we are offering and working well. Moreover, in the sectors in which we operate, there is a certain optimism for the second half of the year".

Technological deployment in the workshop is one of the five axes of the 2025 plan, which is completed with the improvement of internal processes; investment in people and sustainability; digitalization and innovation; and marketing and internationalization.
Progress has also been made in these areas, especially in the generational replacement of key positions: "For this year we have already completed all the steps for the replacement of two highly experienced people in the organizational chart by two other technicians in the organization, while we have strengthened our sales department with the signing of a sales representative with a broad portfolio, including companies that use laser cutting".

As a summary of the 2021-2025 Plan, Grupo IAM expects to increase the workforce by more than 30 percent, up to 40 people; raise direct exports to 25 percent; and surpass the six million euro revenue mark.

Source: Empresa XXI




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